Learn More About National Drug Screening

National Drug Screening provides expert drug screening services for employers all across the United States. We also provide court-ordered, probation, and personal drug testing often on the same day of your request. Our employees are specially trained in the areas of DOT compliance and we want to make the drug screening process hassle-free for all parties involved. Here is a closer look at the comprehensive drug screening services we offer:

Medical Review Officer (MRO) Services
Just because a test comes back positive does not mean the subject is necessarily a drug user. The MRO is the last set of eyes to review the test and make sure the drug screening process was compliant with all the guidelines. At National Drug Screening, we provide our MRO’s with state of the art drug testing software that you aren’t going to find at an ordinary screening establishment. If you own a trucking company, this type of service is required by the DOT drug testing program.

Joe Reilly’s Drug Free Workplace
Joe Reilly, the president of National Drug Screening, is an expert in his field and he recently had his ‘State of the Industry’ article published in DATIA magazine (DATIA merged with NDASA in 2023). Joe has been an advocate for years regarding DOT, Non-DOT and State Drug Free Workplace programs. Joe believes that a drug- free workplace is contingent on five things:

  • Formal written drug-free workplace policy
  • Employee education on the policy
  • Supervisor training on the warning signs of a potential drug user
  • Access to an employee assistance program
  • Drug and alcohol testing of BOTH employees and applicants

DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing Programs
If you’re a driver or own your own company, you can’t afford to be negligent about DOT drug compliance policies. Joe Reilly and the rest of the National Drug Screening team have had years of DOT compliance experience and they would love to share it with you. They can walk you through all the requirements and paperwork you’ll need to pass your next DOT audit.

Drug Test Options
Different situations require different testing and National Drug Screening has got you covered. We can set up an appointment to go over the services your business requires and your options will include:

  • 5 Panel Test
  • 10 Panel Test
  • 12 Panel Test
  • Alcohol Testing
  • Court Ordered Testing
  • EtG Alcohol Test
  • Expanded Opiate Drug Testing
  • Hair Follicle Test

Drug screening is crucial to the success of any business and we are here to help. You have enough to worry about with orders, customers, employees and operations so let us handle your testing program.

For expert consultation, call National Drug Screening at 866-843-4545 or click around on our website!

Learn More About National Drug Screening
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