Drug Testing Regulations: What Drivers Need To Know

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) requires the testing of all licensed commercial drivers. People who drive for a living need to be held to a higher standard than recreational drivers and the Department of Transportation (DOT) has a drug screening process that insures that. If you’re a new driver or have questions about how the process works, read along to learn more.

Who is tested?
To keep things short, all commercial drivers are subject to the DOT drug testing policies. This includes all full-time, part-time, intermittent, backup and international drivers.

What is tested for?
DOT drug tests require laboratory testing for the following drugs:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines
  • Phencyclidine

Keep in mind, your employer has the right to extend their policies past the requirements of the DOT. They can incorporate hair follicle testing and other additions that make testing more stringent. Keeping drugs and alcohol off the roads is of the utmost importance for both the DOT and individual employers.

When will I be tested?
DOT drug and alcohol testing can be done at multiple times throughout your employment.

  • Pre-employment- An employer must receive a passing test before permitting a driver to operate one of their vehicles.
  • Post-accident- No matter what the severity of the accident is, the DOT requires post-accident testing. This is standard protocol and can be expected even if the accident is not related to reckless employee behavior.
  • Random- Random screening is required throughout the year for all CDL drivers. If you’re a self-employed driver, you are still required to participate in the testing.
  • Reasonable Suspicion- Managers and supervisors are required to be trained in detecting impaired drivers. Once they have enough reason to believe foul behavior, they can put in a request for a drug test.

At National Drug Screening, we specialize in the DOT drug testing program and we are here to help. Whether you’re a driver or employer, we can answer all of your questions and review the best solutions for you.

For expert consultation, call Joe Reilly at National Drug Screening at 321-622-2020.

Drug Testing Regulations: What Drivers Need To Know
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