Reilly to Attend Accredited Drug Testing Anniversary Celebration

Accredited Drug Testing will be celebrating their one year anniversary on Saturday, August 1 at the Fountain Beach Resort in Daytona Beach, Florida.  Joe Reilly, President of National Drug Screening will be an honored guest and a presenter at the event.  Reilly is also a past Chairman of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA merged with NDASA in 2023).  Accredited Drug Testing utilizes many services from National Drug Screening including consultation along with bundled software, lab and MRO services.

James A Greer, President and Founder of Accredited Drug Testing has been involved in the drug testing industry since 1993.  He will also welcome to the event another honored guest – Phil Dubois who is the Chairman of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA).  Greer will kick off the weekend event with a team training on Friday, July 31.

Reilly to Attend Accredited Drug Testing Anniversary Celebration
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