Tips to Help Manage Your Random Drug Testing Plan

Random Drug Testing is a highly debated topic, but keeping it random will help keep you safe from violations. You are NOT permitted to target specific employees without reasonable suspicion and managing a random drug testing pool is very important. But like most things that pertain to drug testing, putting your faith in National Drug Screening is always going to be your safest option. Here is how we can help»

What You Will Need

  • The first thing you’ll need to do is call to set up an appointment with one of our Drug-Free Workplace experts. They’ll learn a little more about your business and tailor a plan that can help achieve your goals.
  • You will need to provide us with your random drug testing populations, testing schedules and what percentage of the pool you’ll need to be tested.
  • You’ll need to maintain an open line of communication with our staff so we can continue maintaining the success of your plan.

What We Provide

  • Once we have your criteria, our automated system will take care of the rest.
  • Our system is compliant with DOT and Drug Free Workplace screening program regulations so that you’ll never be in trouble come audit time.
  • We can provide web or in person training as you need it.
  • Our staff has been managing random drug testing consortiums for over 15 years and that experience gives us unique perspective. We will make sure your program is the best hands possible.

A Drug-Free Workplace
Studies show that employees who are on drugs are more likely to be absent, cause accidents and be disruptive. With the competitive business landscape becoming more stringent, you can’t afford to lose efficiency at the hands of drugs! Our Drug-Free Workplace program helps screen problem employees before they infiltrate your staff and by doing this you’ll decrease liability as well. It’s really a no-brainer!

If you would like to learn more about how a Drug-Free Workplace can help your business, our team would love to help. Give us a call at 1-866-843-4545 or click around on our website for more information!

Tips to Help Manage Your Random Drug Testing Plan
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