Who Needs DOT Compliant Services?

If you’re a DOT regulated employer, there is a lot on your plate. You have to make sure whatever you transport is safe and on time and you need to keep your staff in line to improve efficiency. That is enough for any person, but when you have to worry about your drug & alcohol testing program on top of that, it can be overwhelming. But luckily for you, the experts at National Drug Screening can help you get things in order by the time your next audit rolls around. If any of the following pertains to you or your business, don’t hesitate to call us today!


  • Trucks and Buses- If you are a motor carrier regulated by the FMCSA, you NEED compliant services. All drivers with a Commercial Driver’s License must be tested in the pre-employment and post accident phases as well as for reasonable suspicion.
  • Aviation- Air carriers or operators and ai traffic controllers are all subject to DOT drug testing. This also includes flight crew members, flight attendants, dispatchers, maintenance teams and ground security. These tests and policies are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  • Railroad- Much like the FAA, the Federal Railroad Administration is required to monitor all employees involved in the process, not just conductors. This includes trainmen, switchmen, locomotive hostlers, utility employees and signalmen.
  • Public Transportation- The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requires the testing of the following employees: Revenue service vehicle operators, CDL- holding operators of non-revenue vehicles, controllers, mechanics, firearm carrying security personnel.
  • Pipeline- Operators of these facilities and contractors performing covered functions are subject to testing by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
  • Maritime- These employees are regulated by the U.S Coast Guard themselves. This includes all crew members, licensed captains or merchant mariner’s.

What Does NDS Provide?
In order to pass a DOT Compliance Audit, your company will need to have the following elements:

  • Designated Employer Representative
  • Written Policy
  • Regulations on File
  • Previous Employer Checks
  • Employee Education
  • Supervisor Training
  • Removal of Covered Employees
  • Pre-Employment Tests
  • Federal Custody and Control Forms
  • Random Pool
  • Post Accident Testing Situations
  • Substance Abuse Professional Process
  • Record Keeping

Here at National Drug Screening, our team of experts can help you pass your next audit! If we see you have something out of place or missing, we will help you get it in line by the time your audit comes around. We have been in this business for decades and if things change or progress, we will be the first to hear it and adjust your program accordingly.

To schedule DOT Compliance Services, call 1-866-843-4545 or click around on our website!

Who Needs DOT Compliant Services?
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