Video Blog: Are You Effectively Managing Your Drug Testing Program?

Quite often we get questions about our TPA Drug Testing and MRO management software. Most often people want to know how it can help them better manage their drug testing program or if it can manage their random testing program.

Having the right software to manage everything is essential. Many companies are doing a lot of different things that require a lot of manual processes such as logging into different web or lab portals, contacting MROs or collection sites; in other words, they have a lot of different moving parts that can lead to mistakes and delays.

One of the things we do with our software is help bring all of this together into one system where you can order testing from multiple laboratories with electronic chain of custody; this is more accurate, more effective and more efficient. You can manage and store electronically your custody and control forms and results. Your collection services, your lab testing, and your MRO services are all grouped together into a single bill as well as having ongoing administrative support and compliance experts available to answer your questions.

Bringing everything together in one system is how to effectively manage drug testing. At National Drug Screening, we understand that your focus is really on doing your business and that you shouldn’t have to do extra work to get the admin things done. Having the right system and support team allows you the freedom to do your job without the extra hassle of chasing down details and resolving issues.

If you’re looking for help streamlining your drug test ordering, MRO services, or collection processes we can help by bringing everything into one umbrella with a single point of contact to get everything done for your drug and alcohol testing program.

Contact NDS to schedule a demo of our software or discuss with one of our experts what we can do to help you better manage your drug and alcohol testing program.

Video Blog: Are You Effectively Managing Your Drug Testing Program?
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